Friday, January 18, 2013


Model Estimation of Electric Power Systems by Phasor Measurement Units Data


This dissertation tackles the online estimation of synchronous machines’ power subsystems electromechanical models using the output based Phasor Measurements Units (PMUs) data while disregarding any inside data. The research develops state space models and estimates their parameters and states. The research tests the developed algorithms against models of a higher and of the same complexity as the estimated models.

The dissertation explores two estimations approaches using the PMUs data: i)non- inear Kalman lters namely the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and then the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and ii) Least Squares Estimation (LSE) with Finite Dierences (FN) and then with System Identication. The EKF based research i) establishes a decoupling technique for the subsystem the rest of the power system ii) nds the maximum number of parameters to estimate for classical machine model and iii) estimates such parameters  The UKF based research i) estimates a set of electromechanical parameters and states for the ux decay model and ii) shows the advantage of using a dual estimation lter with colored noise to solve the diculty of some simultaneous state and parameter estimation.

The LSE with FN estimation i) evaluates numerically the state space dierential equations and transform the problem to an overestimated linear system whose parameters can be estimated, ii) carries out sensitivity studies evaluating the impact of operating conditions and iii) addresses the requirements for implementation on real data taken from the electric grid of the United States. The System Identication method i) develops a linearized electromechanical model, ii) completes a parameters sub-set selection study using singular values decomposition, iii) estimates the parameters of the proposed model and iv) validates its output versus the measured output.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Least squares based estimation of synchronous generator states and parameters with phasor measurement units

Authors: Yasser Wehbe, Lingling Fan, Zhixin Miao
Publication date: 2012/9/9
Conference name: North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2012
Pages: 1-6
Publisher: IEEE
This paper investigates the estimation of synchronous generator states and parameters related to angular stability using PMU data. The method proposed in this paper uses finite difference technique and least squares method to evaluate differential equations governing the synchronous machine using a time window of PMU measurements. Sensitivity studies have been carried out to evaluate the impact of system strength, transmission line length, machine controls (exciter and governor) and local load on estimation accuracy. The simulation studies demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method in dynamic states and parameters estimation.

UKF based estimation of synchronous generator electromechanical parameters from phasor measurements

Authors: Yasser Wehbe, Lingling Fan
Publication date: 2012/9/9
Conference name: North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2012
Publisher: IEEE
The paper proposes an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)-based algorithm to estimate the electromechanical parameters and states of synchronous machines (rotor angle, q-axis reactance, inertia, damping and mechanical power). The algorithm uses observations or measurements available at the output terminal of the machine polluted by colored noise. Testing of the algorithm was conducted against a model of the same complexity and a model of a higher complexity. The contribution of this paper is twofold: 1) the algorithm is able to estimate electromechanical parameters such as inertia H and damping D which have not been investigated in other machine estimation papers. Modeling error is modeled as colored noise to enhance the estimation capability; and 2) a dual UKF filter is set up to carry out the estimation where the estimator of q-axis reactance is separated from the other states and parameters. Such set up solves the difficulty of UKF based estimation. Two case studies demonstrate the feasibility of the estimation.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An overview on Kalman Filtering

Below is a presentaion I prepared on Kalman filtering:
Overview on Kalman FIltering

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dissertation Proposal: Parameter Estimation in Power Systems

Few days ago I submitted my dissertation proposal to my committee. It is about Parameter Estimation in Power Systems

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday, December 6, 2010


I am happy that my 1st paper was accepted at IEEE Power and Energy Society General meeting 2011 which is a premier electric power systems conference. The paper is :
1- Estimation of a Shunted Radial Transfer Path Dynamics Using PMUs: This paper provides an algorithm to estimate the variables of a model of two machines connected by shunted transfer path, using PMUs data. The variables include static quantities like the various line impedances and the location of the shunt, in addition to dynamic variables like the transient impedances, electromagnetic forces, and the the inertias of the machines. The innovation here is in the use of a minimal number of PMUs in addition to a transformation algorithm to a non-shunted model which means that the same non-shunted algorithm can be used for shunted or non-shunted transfer path.